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Showing 1 to 1 of 1 results for search org: "University of Utah Orthopaedic Center" OR name: "University of Utah Orthopaedic Center"


Service Legend
Local Service
Statewide Service: Provides online resources, telehealth, or service at a satellite office.
Nationwide Service: Provides online resources, telehealth or services at a regional/national headquarters location.
590 Wakara Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84113
Phone: 801-587-7109
Organization Name: University of Utah Orthopaedic Center
(Show others in Organization)
590 Wakara Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84113
Phone: 801-587-7109
Source: Medical Home Portal
Last Updated: 3/14/2023

Showing 1 to 1 of 1 results for search org: "University of Utah Orthopaedic Center" OR name: "University of Utah Orthopaedic Center"